Contact us 

AUKI, YOUR IT and Digitalisation friend.

From learning to strategy, project management and needs assessment.


What do you need?

A selection of the services we can help you with. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about a specific challenge that isn't listed. We have a broad experience and are here to help!
Analys och kartläggning


analysis and mapping

Is there a problem within your organisation, but you're not sure what it is? Or are you aware that a certain type of tool is missing, but lack the time or experience to find the right solution?

We can help with everything from a needs analysis, to a mapping of matching tools and even a final choice of solution.

Should you also need support with project management during implementation? No worries, we got you covered!

You get a consultant with broad experience of business support within an organisation; sales, marketing, finance and logistics.


utilisation rate

The tools already in place, but still awaiting the impact? Or have you updated your solutions but not the expertise?

IT support or digital tools rarely do the job on their own. There also needs to be an understanding and confidence in how the organisation best uses a service.

You can be sure that your consultant can support the utilisation rate in everything from collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams or Outlook, to Wordpress.

Whether it's metrics, automation, forecasting or how colleagues manage to be social online, you'll be supported.


future and change

Satisfied with the current situation, but unsure of the future? Do you see upcoming changes, but don't know how or if they can be handled by your current solutions? Or maybe you're just interested in being inspired and gaining some new insights?

Living in the digital age is incredibly eventful, but it's not always easy to keep up, or think long-term. Adding a new perspective can provide valuable guidance.

Get expertise from a consultant  experienced with strategic digital projects ranging from IT security to product data and e-commerce. Someone who can also support with trends based on your business area.


Short training programmes and courses designed for those who need more knowledge but have limited time. Cotent boiled down to the core, generalised and simplified, to make it easy for you to set aside time and gain insights.


A training programme designed for small to medium-sized companies. This 3-hour session includes:

  • The most common risks

  • Preventive measures

  • Strategic kit

Available online and onsite in various cities, email for more information on the coming sessions.


A basic overview designed to better understand GDPR, not legal advice. During 2 hours we take a closer look at:

  • Directives

  • Global and national interpretations

  • Neighbouring directives

Available online and onsite in various cities, email for more information on the coming sessions.

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Do you or your company need help with IT, digital tools or are you just curious? Fill in the form, and we'll be in touch!
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